
A very incomplete list of projects, references, etc. Roughly ordered chronologically.


AI Powered Development Workflows: Sharing initial experiments with generative models and their challenges in developer workflows [Developer Experience Summit]. I delved into the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models into the developer workflow, exploring initial experiments with AI-powered code review in open source repositories at Slack.

AI Has Entered the Chat: Humans, AI, and the Art of Collaboration [craftconf talk] [talk references]. I explored the potential of integrating large language models and generative artificial intelligence (AI) agents into our work processes.

BabyAGI on Slack [tweet] [video] [github]. Agents are game changers I’m building on top of @yoheinakajima ‘s babyagi code, backed by Pinecone + Slack.

SlackGPT [tweet] [github]. Use this starter application to explore interacting with OpenAI’s ChatGPT inside of Slack. I discovered ChatGPT is way more powerful than expected. It’s exciting, sometimes wrong, and delightful all at once. Feedback loops with AI whereever we’re working is a step-wise gain in productivity.


O’Reilly’s Observability Engineering [oreilly] [pdf via honeycomb] [webinar]. Chapter contributor. Slack gained powerful troubleshooting insights by applying observability to their software delivery practice. We also delve into specific continuous integration (CI) / continuous deployment (CD) architectures and how observability can be used to debug pipeline issues.

Circuit Breakers for Slack’s CI/CD [] [youtube] [craftconf talk] [talk references] How Slack increased developer productivity and prevented cascading internal failures by implementing orchestration-level circuit breakers

Slack’s Sociotechnical CI/CD Refactor [] [blog via infoq]. A story of evolving socio-technical workflows that increased developer velocity and redefined confident testing and deploy workflows at Slack.


Tracing in CI [strange loop talk] [o11ycon talk] [talk references] [blog on talk via honeycomb] [blog on customer wins via honeycomb]

Infrastructure Observability [] [podcast via Screaming in the Cloud with Corey Quinn]. A deep dive on how we crafted an order of magnitude change in our spend (10x reduction compared to baseline growth) over the last two years with iterative understanding and changes in Slack’s Continuous Integration (CI) infrastructure.

Earlier (coming soon)